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griff's prayer

Source: c/s / iOne


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Most of us in our culture have the trait that we can make things happen. We can make lemons out of lemonade, We can make a 5-star meal out of scraps. We can make a fashionable outfit out of rags. We can make it do what it do. Today’s Ericaism is doing just that.

As Erica tells us Philippians 4:12 says, I know how to live humbly, and I know how to abound. I am accustomed to any and every situation to be filled and to be hungry, to have plenty and having need. Then comes the scripture that we say all the time. I can do all things through Christ, who gives me strength. So be inspired by today’s Ericaism and pass it to someone who may need it.







ERICA: Philippians 4:12 says, I know how to live humbly, and I know how to abound. I am accustomed to any and every situation to be filled and to be hungry, to have plenty and having need. Then comes the scripture that we say all the time. I can do all things through Christ, who gives me strength. That means I don’t have to lose it when I’m low, but I don’t lose it when I’m high. I don’t have to lose it when the bank accounts are not what they should be. And I don’t have to get arrogant and cocky when I’ve been blessed financially. I don’t have to lose it because somebody walks away from my life. And I don’t have to get cocky and arrogant. Because somebody God allow somebody to come into my life. We do this to the strength of Christ. And yes, there are times when we will have lack. Yes, there are times when we will go through but don’t lose your mind while you’re going through. Listen, it’s too many options. There’s too many things I love to see people come from other countries with nothing, not art, not American. Nothing. I mean, like sitting on the ground, dirt, nothing.

Using the restroom in a dirt hold nothing, no tissue, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing. And come here and make it happen. Listen, sometimes we’re just a little too spoiled. And we don’t have to trust God because we have our systems but I’m telling you, if you trust God in all of it, and let your faith do the working, everything will change for your life. Because you’ll keep your peace of mind you won’t be overwhelmed and stressed out when things happen because things will happen. But also I don’t want you to live in fear. Well, I can’t get too happy because this may happen. Well I can’t do this because that may happen. Listen, things are gonna happen hold on to your joy. When things are great. Celebrate them being great, don’t be afraid. Go you know what if it all falls out if it does go put it back together. Cool and so are you get it more than you I love you and I mean it.