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griff's prayer

Source: c/s / iOne

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Erica Campbell: So I wanted to play that song for you guys “Walk On Water,” because I want to read Matthew 14: 27 to 31. Matthew 14:27-31 Reads 27 But Jesus immediately said to them: “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.” 28 “Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.” 29 “Come,” he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. 30 But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!” 31 Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?”


I love this scripture because it’s such a full and complete story of us being in a troubled situation. Calling on Jesus. Doing what God has told us and in the middle of doing what God tells you, you get scared, right? And I love that Jesus takes his hand and helps him. But listen, oh, you have little faith. This is kind of connecting me to the faith walk from earlier, having big faith, believing what God has said what he has asked you to do. So many people are afraid of just stepping out of the boat because it’s something you’ve never done before. In one of the ad-libs in the song as Lena Byrd Miles sings the song she says no fear and no excuses.  We know God didn’t give us a spirit of fear. But still, sometimes the spirit of fear is very prevalent. It’s prevalent because you refuse to trust God. When you trust God, from your nose to your toes it doesn’t matter. The circumstance, the storm, the wind, the rain, the adversity, or all the things around you. You choose to believe what God has said what God has promised what God has called you to do. He literally said, come. Jesus is telling you, the king of kings, the Sovereign Lord, he’s telling you to come to Him, and you have hesitancy.

Why? Aye you listening right now. Yes, you! Yeah, I’m talking to you. I know why it’s Erica all up in my business because I want you to get out of the boat, and step out on faith. And guess what? It’s not even for your glory. It’s for the glory of God, he won’t let you fail. He won’t let you fall, he won’t let you sink just like Peter didn’t sink. And I know some people have a hard time grasping this. But you have to ask God to let his word come alive in your heart, in your life, in your mind. So when it’s time to you to take time for you to take a step of faith doing something different, something big, something that there is no reference point for something that you can’t google and find out how they did it before because you literally are the first one to ever do this. You step out of the boat, and you walk on water, and you do something miraculous. And guess what? God gets the glory. And your life gets blessed because of obedience. Because you didn’t walk in fear. You walked on water.

So I want you to walk on water. Do something different, big and amazing, wonderful, magnanimous! Something that blows people’s minds. And guess what? It’s all for the glory of God. I love love, love this song. I love this whole concept. I love this scripture. I love this verse. Because many times I’ve done things that no one had ever done before. And was I scared? Absolutely. I’m not saying that. I wasn’t scared I was. But I trusted God more than I trusted my fear. And that’s what you have to remember. What do I trust more? Do I trust my anxiety more than I trust the father? Do I trust my fear more than I trust the Father? Trust God, step out on faith. Do something big do something wonderful and amazing.