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griff's prayer

Source: c/s / iOne

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Erica: You know there’s scripture and the story that I love is the story of Hannah. she was married to Elkanah. And he had two wives. His other wife had lots of kids and Hannah didn’t have any. in First 1 Samuel 1:10 says, “and she was in bitterness of soul and pray to the Lord and wept in anguish.” 1 Samuel 1:11 says, “she made a vow and said, oh, Lord of hosts, if you will, indeed, look on my affliction of your maidservant, and remember me, and not forget your maidservant, but we’ll give your maidservant, a male child, then I will give him to the Lord all the days of his life.”


The reason I love this scripture is it is because she asked for something that she could give back to God. Asking God for a miracle is not wrong. But the motivation and the reason behind the request for his display of power should be for the Lord’s glory, not for yours, or for selfish reasons. She asked for something that she could give back to God. The same can be said of Solomon and First Kings when God asked him what he wanted, and he wanted to be able to serve well so that God could get the glory out of his life. My question is, what are you asking God for? And is the thing you’re asking for, can God get glory out of it, or is it all about you? That’s a quick way to kind of, you know, find out if, if if, you know, God is in the driver’s seat, or if you’re in the driver’s seat.

A lot of times we want God to do something in our lives, but we want to want him to do it for all the wrong reasons, to prove something to ourselves, to circumvent what people have said about you. to vindicate you from lies that have been told, will God get the glory out of that? Because here’s the deal, y’all: Sometimes we got to go through some tough stuff. Sometimes people will talk about you. Sometimes you will be wronged and you can’t do anything about it. Sometimes it does not mean you have to go around, go on tour, trying to vindicate yourself, let God do it. What you’re praying for Will God get the glory out of it when you’re asking him to get people back? And God shows them? Show them for what? Show them for you? Or show them for His glory? Make sure you check your heart. Listen, we’ve all been in this place before.

We’ve all been in this seat before where we wanted something from God. You know, listen, I’m an entertainment and I sing it. Yes, I want certain things and I have to check myself. Do I want it because I’ve seen someone else have it? Do I want it because I see another artists do it and it looked great? And it looked cool. Am I called to it? The thing that I’m asking for? Will I be good at it? Will it bring God glory is the question. Ask yourself that. I know it’s a tough question. Because you know, you misconstrue we misconstrue who gives you the desires of your heart that does not mean God is gonna give you everything you want, just when you want it. It means he’ll give you what you want. And clearly, in this scripture, Hannah wanted something that would glorify the Father. Even God went on to say no razor shall come upon his head and I don’t want to get into all that because that can confuse you. The message today is what you’re asking for, will it bring glory to God? And if it’s not today’s a perfect time to say, Father, I pray that my desire lines up with your will for my life, that my prayers lead to something that will bring you the glory that will give you honor. All right.