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Mature black women and men singing in church choir

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As often happens within the faith, especially with a younger generation of believers, finding a good church home can be tough. You could have easily subscribed to Bedside Baptist but something within you compels you to just get up and enjoy worship with like-minded people. For those of you looking for an ideal church home that suits your beliefs, here are a few things to look out for.

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1. Clarity In Beliefs

Many a church home may or may not shift in terms of mission statement and tone as time progresses. Always be sure to check out a church’s website and find their mission statement, their statement of belief, weekly programs, church bulletin board items and reviews from individuals you know who are members of the church and not who just show up on Easter Sunday, Mother’s & Father’s Day.

2. Leadership

Some people prefer teachings and strong interpretations from the Scripture. Others may prefer preaching in terms of prosperity. Whatever you believe your style to be in receiving the Word, be sure that your pastor aligns with those. Always seek out God’s inspired words.

3. Freedom

A good church home understands that every person’s walk of faith is different. Their steps may not be as fast as yours or maybe actually slower, but a good church embraces and encourages creativity, individuality, and exploration of God’s calling and gifts. When you attend church, it should feel like family embracing you every time you step within the church house.

4. Service Over All

How welcoming is your church to the greater community, poor and rich? For those who battle some demons stronger than others? Seek a selfless church that caters to all needs of all people.

5. Growth

Word of mouth is always the strongest component in finding a good church home. How often do you see or hear people talking about the church and how it suited their needs? Find out and see how it is growing and welcoming members to grow within.

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5 Things To Look For In Finding A New Church Home  was originally published on