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Cropped view of black man in church choir robe

Source: kali9 / Getty

It’s Sunday morning, your mother enters your bedroom almost ready for church with her slip hanging under her skirt. All you could hear was gospel music playing in the background or sometimes in my case, Charles Stanley on the television.

You got yourself out of bed because your mother didn’t like being late for church and got ready for service.

If you grew up in a Black church then you’ve encountered some of these different situations.

The man that does too much on his way to the offering plate


When the choir director never wants to end the song


The choir singer being extra during their solo


When the First Lady is looking out to see why no one will take the crying baby outside


When the preacher is giving the word and you think it’s about you


The lady at church that always catches the holy ghost


When the pastor asks you to turn to your neighbor, but you don’t fool with them


The sleeping deacon that just wakes up to say “come on pastor”


When you pretend you’re looking at your Bible app, but you’re really texting in your group chat about where you should go for brunch after service
The usher that isn’t here for you putting $20 in the collection plate and asking for $19 back
When they do alter call and wait over 20 minutes for someone to come up